January 9, 2012


When it comes the breakfast, Pancakes are a favorite weekend choice because we usually have more time to linger at the kitchen table and enjoy these fluffy and sweet treats.  They are perfect when they are drizzled with hot Maple Syrup and melting Butter or with fresh Berries tossed between the layers of a stack a mile high.  Or for a really special breakfast top them with my Banana Pineapple Foster recipe.  I use Sour Cream in these Pancakes to make them tender and add a little extra creaminess to the texture.  These are very light and fluffy Pancakes that are easy to make and will disappear as fast as they are made when you are Cooking The Amazing!

Here is the recipe.

2-6 T  Butter (For The Pan)
1 1/2 c  All Purpose Flour
1/4 c  Sugar
1 t  Corn Starch
1 t  Baking Powder
1 t  Baking Soda
1 pinch  Fine Grain Sea Salt
1 Large Egg
1 c  Whole Milk
1/4 c  Sour Cream
1/2 t  Vanilla Extract
2 T  Melted Butter

Makes About 7 Five Inch Pancakes.

1.  Use a non stick pan or griddle for best results.  Have 2 T of Butter in the cold pan and ready to go.
Don't heat up your pan until just ready to make Pancakes.

2.  In a medium bowl whisk together the All Purpose Flour, Sugar, Corn Starch, Baking Soda and Powder and Sea Salt until well blended.  Set aside.
3. In another bowl use a fork and break up the Egg and add the Milk, Sour Cream, Vanilla Extract and mix well until Sour Cream lumps are gone.
4.  Melt 2 T of Butter in microwave for 25 seconds on high and add to the wet ingredients and mix well.

5.  Now heat up your pan or griddle with the Butter in it over medium high heat.  Have a spatula ready to flip and a plate to stack the finished Pancakes.

6.  Add all of the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients and using a large spoon mix well until no Flour is seen.  A few lumps are OK.  As soon as the Butter has melted swirl the pan to distribute the Butter all over or use the spatula on your griddle to spread Butter all over cooking surface.
7.  Using a ladle or measuring cup pour about a 5 inch round of Batter onto the hot pan and continue to add more rounds of batter.  Space about 2-3 inches between Pancakes to allow for room to flip them.  Cook until the center starts to bubble and edges are beginning to brown and when you peek under the bottom is well browned.  This takes about 2-3 minutes.  Flip and cook on the other side checking by peeking for even browning, about 1 to 2 minutes.  Stack on a plate and serve immediately or cover with a dish towel to keep warm.  Serve with warm Maple Syrup, Butter, and/or fresh Berries or Fruit.

TIP: For the Ultimate Pancakes top them with Banana Pineapple Foster Sauce.

COPYRIGHT (c) 2012


Janice A. said...

These pancakes were so good! Very fluffy and easy to make.

ChefEllen said...

add some mash bananas to the batter top with sourcream , maple syrup, and candied nuts. I like walnuts personally